If you get an error in Blogger, try the steps below to troubleshoot.
Troubleshoot an error
- Reload the page.
- Make sure you've updated your browser to Chrome 49 and later or Safari 10 and later.
- Use a different browser. If you use Internet Explorer, turn off compatibility mode.
- Clear your browser's cache and cookies.
- Open a window and browse in private.
- If Blogger opens correctly, remove your extensions or plugins.
- In the Blogger community, search for your issue or post.
If none of the steps fix your problem, find your issue below to troubleshoot.
Tip: If you get the error when you save changes in your theme or gadget, check your code for problems.
Troubleshoot other problems
If you continue to get errors: In the upper right corner of your Blogger dashboard, click Help and feedback
Send feedback.